Dogmatic science operates much more as a sociological priesthood than as an investigation into reality.
In the church of dogmatic science, any concession that psi phenomena might possibly be real is considered heresy. When such a suggestion comes from a highly respected and accomplished scientist, the clergy are sure to respond swiftly and loudly.
Consider this essay in "Scientific American" written by Michael Shermer. He condescendingly attacks Freeman Dyson for the sin of publicly admitting the possibility that perhaps the testimony of millions of experiencers of psi phenomena might indicate something real is happening. Then Shermer states that there is no scientific evidence for psi, a complete falsehood in light of all these studies.
Is Michael Shermer himself a scientist? By training, yes. However, his role at Scientific American is very similar to Cardinal Ratzinger's role as prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith before his ascention to popehood. That is, to rally the faithful and issue proclaimations of truth and falsehood, presenting to the world an official version of scientific truth. Why is he given a monthly column in one of the most important and prestigious venues for the scientific establishment? To defend its dogmas as chief guardian of the sacred cattle.
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